Thursday, April 29, 2010

I made a friend - already !!!!

I think i made a friend..... already ?!?! Was lingering in the Apartment Leasing Office with Munckin, (not even 24 hours since we have landed) trying to stand up straight as i dealt with jet lag removing my shades from my eyes and waited "in line", yes we don't say "queue" over here! I was commenting to Munchkin about a truck that just pulled up outside with a beautiful German Sheppard sitting quietly in the back, open top, you know the type of truck you would probably never see in Ireland, cos anything in the back would just get wet from all the rain we get. Well, a lady got out and came into the office and immediately started talking to us, attracted to the cute Munchkin of course, sure who would be looking at me?!?! She asked the standard questions like "how old is she?", "what's her name?" and then of course the third question was directed to me as she stared straight at me with a curious smile - "oh, where are you from", of course hard as i try to add a little American twang and talk slower (Soldier and i talk ridiculously fast - we are an Irish Scottish Union after all) the flat Dublin accent just comes right on out.

"We're Irish" i state.
"Oh, how fun" she replies..... and with that i'm next in line.
"Apartment Number" Mrs. Offical Leasing Office woman sais to me
"1314" i reply
and with that nice German Sheppard owner jumps in and sais" oh we're 1315, we're neighbours. Maybe my boys could play with your daughter some day?"
"Sure" i reply, "that would be nice" and i go about my business in the office, bid her goodbye and she leaves a wonderful, lasting smiling impression on my mind.

No doubt our paths will cross seeing as our front doors are 4 inches apart. Not bad for my first human Texas engagement!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dallas here we are !

Day 1 - we arrived. Munchkin was amazing on the journey, i can't believe how lucky i am. She just thought it was one big big adventure. Planes, trains, buses and automobiles through Dublin - Atlanta - Dallas - to "Plano" - our new suburbian American home. Fantastic 2 year old. She eventually konked out at 1 am Dublin time outside Kroger (whooo whoo - my new local American Supermarket), still need to find Walmart mind you - for the bargains.

The doggies were a little stressed to say the least, couped up in those boxes all across the Atlantic and poor Emma scratched her nose on the wire but they got released into the back of the rented Yukon (big, huge, massive Jeep, the Soldier had to get to fit us all, plus luggage) and settled down until they got to their new home.

I'm anxious but excited to start this new life. My 2nd life i sometimes call it. Yes, Dallas is my SECOND life. Over 3000 miles from the homeland.